All posts filed under: gen y

10 Highly Recommended Conferences for Young Entrepreneurs in 2016

There are many events geared towards entrepreneurs that take place throughout each year. Here are 10 events worth looking into in 2016.

5 Skills You Should Consider Adding To Your Resume

As history demonstrates, the working force is constantly changing. Given the technology of our current age, there are a few skills you should strongly consider adding to your resume.

Hey World, You’ve Been Gilmored: Tips for Binge-Watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
*Starting today, July 1st, the rest of the world will be able to experience what us Americans have been able to enjoy for the past two years – the entirety of Gilmore Girls on Netflix Instant. Obviously this is a smart move for Netflix ahead of Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life premiering later this year, but now I feel like the show’s going to have an even larger global fan base than ever before. So if you happen to be watching the show for the first time this weekend, international readers, here’s a handy guide to making it through the entire series. I made this in 2014 when GG first hit Netflix in America, so I’ve made a few updates throughout. Copperboom!* It’s happening you guys. IT’S ALL HAPPENING. Sorry I yelled at you. Let’s make up. I’m just super excited for the recent news coming out of Netflix HQ: All seven seasons of Gilmore Girls are coming to Netflix Instant. That’s right – 153 episodes, about 6,732…


Originally posted on Head over Heels 2014:
Sunrise, Emma and Mike set off every day at dawn Emma is taking a rest day tomorrow. We stop early today (early by Emma’s standards at this point means after 40km) and head north to Lichinga to check into a hotel where we can enjoy soft comfortable clean smelling beds, showers with plenty of warm water and privacy. We all still wake up by 5am the next day, which is a lie-in. This video is of Emma running through a village in Mozambique and in to her stopping point for the day. I like it because it gives a good feel of what the journey was like: Lichinga is a busy hot town and extra busy because it is Saturday. To get cash, I stand for hours in a long queue of people squashed together and overheating in the sun. It seems there are 10 people in each booth. Many people are getting money for other people. The queue barely moves. Happily, after a couple of hours Woocash discovers…

Can You Date Your Ex Again?

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
The past is just so tempting. We find comfort in past relationships because at one point, they were very comfortable. Externally, we may forget about all of the bad things that occurred. We don’t really remember the cheating, the lying, the bad blood that pooled after the break up. But internally, we never really forget. It sits in our minds, quiets the butterflies in our stomachs. Some people do deserve a second chance. Some exes aren’t as bad as others. But after all is said and done – the honeymoon stage into the fighting into the break up – can you really forget about all the pain? Can you set aside that discomfort and date your ex again? Sure you may love them a lot and they may make you happy, but the bad parts never really go away. They boil up again and again. Because if you catch him in a white lie, you’ll be reminded of all the other little white lies. The little lies that led to…

Manners Can Kill

Asha Seth Apparently, manners and I don’t get along well. Don’t look so surprised. Not yet. Save it up for what comes next. If you’ve been following this blog you’d already know that I have never been the best kid in the world. Blame the generation gap, blame me, and blame whoever you like. But that’s that. For one, I love to be left alone by which I mean I am the last person who would willingly invite or visit people, let alone be hospitable. And my parents have never been able to understand why. Usually, when I am supposed to meet visitors at home (which, by the way, I hate most), I do it for the sake of my parents and yeah, also because who later wants to go through endless hours of exhausting verbal tyranny of sorts. All the smiles, the greetings, if only the visitors knew how fake all… View original post 717 more words

I Have Trouble Staying in the Lines: 90’s Coloring Book for Adults

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
Hey guys, my birthday is coming up and you know what I want? World Peace. Just kidding! That will never happen. What I really want is this Color The 90s adult coloring book by Outrageous Katie. It says ‘Adult’, so don’t let anyone give you any shit about being in your 20s, 30s or 40s and coloring in a coloring book (50 years olds can suck it, your were in your 20s when this stuff was relevant). For those interested in this little piece of Nostalgic awesomeness, you can buy it on Amazon! That place has everything! Except my fathers love….Anywho! Check out the link here as well as a few pictures below to get a taste of what the book offers and to plan out your coloring adventure! I myself am going to color Tim Allen blue because I’d never seen a blue Tim Allen before and quite frankly, I want to see one.

Why We Have HSAs and You Should Too!

Originally posted on Millennials making cents of money:
Health Savings Accounts (HSA) are one of the most misunderstood parts of employee benefits today. HSAs are individually owned bank accounts that work in conjunction with your health plan – your health plan does have to be HSA compatible, traditionally referred to as high deductible health plans (HDHP). Don’t be afraid of ‘high deductible’ – yes, we understand that you could pay more out of pocket. But hopefully, as a healthy young person, you don’t have high out of pocket health care costs.  And if you do, simply save your receipts and pay yourself back at any time. We covered a lot of the basic HSA info in an earlier post, check it out here. Sp why do we think it’s a good financial move for millennials to have an HSA? You get tax-deferred treatment! Be aware of the annual limits, but any money you contribute (through employee payroll deductions or direct deposits) are eligible deductions. Your HSA stays with you when you change jobs, so you…

A Guide to the Millennial Job Search: Making Opportunities

Originally posted on The Nonprofit Millennial.:
For millennials with their limited work experiences, looming student debt and conflicting timetables, it seems nearly impossible to find meaningful work these days. As a job searcher myself, I’m starting to feel this strain more than ever. But rather than falling into a hole of self-pity and despair (which is totally acceptable and bound to happen from time to time), I decided to take the words of Madam C.J. Walker – a hair-care entrepreneur and the first female self-made millionaire in America – to heart. “I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them!” -Madam C.J. Walker So with this empowering message in mind, let’s talk about my new, Walker-inspired job search approach, and how its going so far. Changing my mindset: “It’s not you, it’s me.” A few weeks ago, it became apparent my job-seeking strategy wasn’t working. I was applying to dozens of jobs online with no responses from recruiters. The…

Travel Realistically In Your 20’s

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
I honestly can’t stand all of the articles I read that are like “You’re in your 20’s! Quit your job and open up an ice cream shack in the Bahamas!” or “Don’t worry about getting a job – backpack through Europe and find yourself!” Come on, I live with my parents and barely saved any money in college. I need a job and can’t just up and go anywhere without money therefore I need that job. Also, I really like where I live – why do I need to go live somewhere completely foreign to me just because I’m in my 20’s? Most of the things I read are so unrealistic. They make me feel bad because I’m not a free spirit obsessed with wanderlust. But there are some realistic things you can do and should do in your 20’s and travel is one of them! Just not to that extreme. You’re working your first real job and living at home. You’re saving more money than you’ve ever saved and…