All posts filed under: accomplishment

Missing Happy Hour -a step in the right direction

Originally posted on Bent Beginnings:
Happy Hour – the American past time where coworkers and friends meet to enjoy each others company, spend money, and get drunk. Well at least drink. Here’s the thing, I’m not on this journey to discourage anyone from drinking, or to say drinking is bad. But drinking is bad for me. I say that because I don’t like the person I become when I drink. This is hard to admit, but I am not a nice person when I drink. Now it doesn’t happen every time, but it happens enough.First step’s are admitting, so here I am, admitting my faults. So this is where Bent Beginnings begins. Now, Happy Hour… why does it matter if I missed it? Who cares… Well, I do, and the monthly scheduled Happy Hour’s are a great way for me to connect with members of the club I joined. But my question is why can’t we do other activities in order to connect? Again, it comes down to culture, right? Our American culture deems it “normal” to…

We’re Going to University!!

Originally posted on Every Word You Say:
We did it!! (Well, Kyle did it). As many of you know from my previous posts, my boyfriend Kyle has been struggling to get into University because his Dyslexia and Autism have stopped him getting a C in his English exam. Despite this, he managed to get 3 A grades in his Forensic Science course, and he got a B in Maths, and this has meant that finally he’s been excepted into University!! I’m beyond proud of him 🙂 Sorry this is such a short post, but I just had to share this with you all! He’s been through so much and finally people are realising how awesome he truly is 🙂 Thanks for reading!