All posts filed under: Hot Topics

Then v. Now: 5 Old “Websites” 90s Kids Will Remember

Bebo/Xanga Both were popular sites for young adults, girls especially, in the early/mid 2000s. They were the perfect places to keep a “private” or public online journal, currently known as blogging.

I Didn’t Watch the Super Bowl

When I got to work on Monday, the first thing a coworker asked me was, “How did the game treat you last night?” I almost responded, “Really well! After we killed the mind controlling plant, we finally had enough XP to level up! I can’t wait–I’ve got my eye on some new spells for my elf.” And then I realized she wasn’t asking how my bimonthly Dungeons and Dragons game went. She was talking about that football game. By the time I got words out of my mouth, I replied, “Oh, I don’t football.” As a matter of fact, I don’t even know who played in the Super Bowl this year. I certainly can’t tell you who won. I really should be a football fan. I grew up with parents who watched the Cowboys like a religion. I know many of the rules and can follow a game easily. My fiance played football in high school, although that was long before I knew him. I drive regularly on Tom Landry Freeway, passing a giant picture …

Gunther Better Work There!: Central Perk Cafe Coming to Toronto

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
Toronto will apparently become the latest city (joining NYC, Sydney, Beijing and Liverpool) to have their very own Central Perk Cafe. The cafe opens in June and will supposedly give out prizes to customers who come in dressed as FRIENDS characters…so I guess people with gel in their hair and wearing t-shirts tucked into khaki pants. The attention to detail will supposedly be uncanny so this should be a big draw for die-hard FRIENDS fans. I just finally hope it answers the question of how 6 more or less fully employed people can spend 60% of their lives in a cafe and still afford to live in New York…Also I hope the barista has bleach blonde hair.

Thoughts on the Resting B**ch Face

Originally posted on Chiradox |ˈkīrəˌdäks |:
Okay, so here’s the thing; there are some people who just look angry in every day life. ?Yes, it’s true; when in a neutral mood?these survivors of resting bitch face exhibit what might be mistaken as a festering?rage. ?I’m sure everyone knows this though. ?These people are constantly having to explain that they’re “alright” and that “really, nothings wrong,” which is why society took it upon itself to create a quick explanation for their condemnation?so that they don’t have to go through the wingding of a long drawn out answer to why they’re wearing the face that they were born with. And all that’s great and good. But then something went wrong. Suddenly it became cool to have Resting Bitch Face Disorder. ?Suddenly, everyone wanted to have a resting bitch face that they could wear around like disposable 3D glasses with the lenses popped out – as a style. ?And we all just sat back, silently idle, letting it happen. So now, you come across people who…

Artists To Know: Raury

Raury, 19, is a rising Atlanta artist. Within the last couple of years there’s been a lot of buzz about him. He’s received a lot of attention, including this in depth post on Buzzfeed. He released his first mixtape, Indigo Child, in August 2014. That same year he also signed with Columbia Records. Check out a few of his songs below. If you’ve got the time, take a look at this video. Sway questions whether Raury will be one of many future faces of hip hop. He freestyles and talks a bit about good and evil in the music. Share your thoughts below. For more check him out on YouTube, Soundcloud, and other WordPress blogs. Know an artist that’s up and coming? Send suggestions to G.U.M Team

Music: Rising Hype Site

I have nothing at all against mainstream music. However, it doesn’t always my quench my thirst and desire to explore a variety of styles, sounds, and genres. With that being said, I like to explore new/rising artists as well. I haven’t been able to find too many websites that do this well. One that I stumbled upon the other day is Rising Hype. Rising Hype allows artists to upload their videos and songs in order to increase exposure to current and potential fans. It enables members to combine their materials across various social media platforms in one place. The catch? It focuses on hip hop. I listen to a bit of hip hop, but the site would definitely be stronger if it featured a variety of genres. It’s not exactly what I was looking for, but it’s not a bad place to start. Know of similar sites? Share your thoughts or suggestions below or send them to G.U.M Team