All posts filed under: Business

10 Highly Recommended Conferences for Young Entrepreneurs in 2016

There are many events geared towards entrepreneurs that take place throughout each year. Here are 10 events worth looking into in 2016.

How Do You Protect Yourself From Bad Clients

Originally posted on MiddleMe:
I am always talking about putting yourself out there, pushing yourself forward to meet your clients’ needs, while there are plenty of great clients out there, there are nasty ones as well, right down to scammers who would, without a blink of an eye, take your work and not pay you. Worst case, they blacklist you. To me, a loss of profits is a part of doing business, however, it is a matter of integrity and your precious time, effort and work that does not get the appreciation it deserves. So to all the freelancers out there, today I am going to run some tips on how to protect yourself. Use 3rd Party Platforms When you are communicating with your clients, unless you are a company, it is probably hard to pursue a lawsuit if your client decides not to pay you in the end. Using 3rd party platforms will protect you as they most likely adopt the escrow system where they will charge your client first and hold on to…

Don’t Hard Sell Us! Millennials Need Light Touch Advertising

Originally posted on iWhatever:
I hate being conned into buying a brand. As a person, I’ve always been influenced by others but only when they aren’t actually attempting to sell me. That’s a sentiment I’ve heard over and over again from individuals my age and now that I’ve begun talking extensively about sponsorships and partnerships with prominent Instagrammers, I’ve finally begun to understand how we think and how products are sold to us. Coincidentally, Forbes and Inc have penned articles attempting to explain some scientific research done by Elite Daily. I’m not entirely sure when Elite Daily got into the research business, but I guess that’s a thing…. So in the name of Elite Daily and its supposed research, I guess we’ve discovered that millennials don’t like the hard sell! Not that I needed anyone to tell me that. It’s also been calculated that we do have brand loyalty, contrary to the thinking that’s radiated around the advertising world. We just don’t think long commercials during our Hulu binges are necessary. According to Forbes, we…

Instagram for Creatives

Hello readers! ? If you’re a creative person, or maybe you really love sharing beautiful things, and you want to grow your Instagram game, I’m excited to tell you that there are a few spots still available in tomorrow’s class! ?  Instagram for Creatives, Live online, Tuesday at 8:30pm ? We’re going to talk all about Growing your network connecting with your true collectors/clients Developing your aesthetic Telling your story Defining what to share & how to share it in order to grow to your business Running a successful giveaway/events on instagram Selling your work/services on Instagram & because of Instagram Creating genuine followers, not empty numbers Last year I taught this class to over 300 creative entrepreneurs.  I have gotten nothing but tremendous feedback from many of the students and have watched them grow in amazing ways!  This is not a numbers driven marketing scheme.  It is a way of thinking about your work, your content, and your audience in a passionate and unique way. ? ? If you would like to join the live class,…

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Passion

Every project starts with excitement. Not those terrible assigned project that may require you to work with other people. Passion projects. It starts with excitement. You dive into the planning process. You hit a few bumps there, but you push forward and turn your research into reality. You work and werk on your blog, new business, or project of your choosing. You hit another bump or two, but you still manage to launch. Things are going well, then okay, then comes the monster bump.

Why You Should Work for Little to No Pay

WARNING: This may cause gif overload, but who doesn’t love a good gif. After attending school for four years and building up debt, we all want to graduate with a salary paying job that allows us to live comfortably and pay off student loans.

What it’s like to fly business class when you have no business to be flying business class

Originally posted on Annabel Fenwick Elliott:
The best flying experience of my lyyyfe Last week I was lucky as fuck enough to fly to Australia BUSINESS CLASS. The downside of this is that I’m ruined for life now. I live in London and my father has lived in Australia for some 20 years, so I’ve spent a lot of time on very, very long-haul flights. It’s far from pleasant, of course, being strapped into an upright chair squidged next to strangers and screaming infants for 24 hours but obviously these are first world problems. I’ve developed a formula, and coping mechanisms, and mainly it all revolves around drinking heavily and knocking myself out with sleeping tablets until it’s all over – somehow managing to keep it together during the layover – before emerging, Gollum-like, on the other end. It’s all fucked now that I have experienced what it’s like to fly from London to Australia up at the front of the plane. I flew Cathay Pacific, which I’m told is the best in the world…

Relocating Myself

Originally posted on MiddleMe:
I wanted to share this topic for a very long time even longer than MiddleMe was set up because I had so many people asking me why I chose to move away when I have everything. To give you the context: I was doing extremely well at work, I have a fantastic team who loves me and the feeling is mutual, I have a great bunch of friends and loved ones back home. I’m in a safe country with great career opportunities and growth and I’ll doing pretty well for myself among my peers. I’m staying with my family with all my bills, my housework and my meals all taken care of. I had it all, so why do I move away? Challenges When an opportunity opens itself to me to move to a strange new country, the adventurous side of me couldn’t refuse. I want to push myself to the limits in my career and see how far I can go without the environment I’m familiar with. I want to…

Keep your promise

Originally posted on MiddleMe:
In my culture, words that came out of someone’s mouth is deem as a promise unless otherwise stated. One does not casually said something and meant other things. In all aspects, this will destroy trust, respect and perhaps kill off any relationship. Particularly in the business world. In the business world, partnerships counted heavily on trust and reliance on one another. One misstep could led to dire repercussions. In Chinese, we have one saying “君子一言、驷马难追。” It means a nobleman must keep his promise. Once a nobleman gave his promise, sturdy horses won’t be able to chase the promise out. I once had a director who used to give out empty promises as if he is dishing out sweets to everyone. The company I worked for has very good conducive working environment, every colleagues enjoyed and even excelled in their roles however, the director tends to spoil everything people work for by not fulfilling his promises. I remembered one incident very clearly when we had just received a huge order and all…