All posts filed under: Encouragement

What is G.U.M?

G.U.M is a company geared towards bringing the millennial community together through the common love of 80s & 90s nostalgia and our never-ending battle with adulthood. From quarter life crises to unconventional career paths (YouTubing, Blogging, etc.) we aim to foster an environment of support, positive interactions, and collaborations. In a nutshell… We are the twenty-somethings and (early) thirty-somethings that realized no one prepared us for adulthood. The ones who don’t want to spend the next 40+ years sitting through a 9 to 5 job that we hate.The ones that are settling down and starting families AND the ones who are watching and are far from ready. The ones that are eager to be self employed, have money that makes itself, travel the world, be fit, and in style.The ones that are last to remember a life that wasn’t tech heavy and first to grow up with ever-evolving technology. The ones who strive to figure out the secret to work-life-balance and “having our shit together.” We are the ones that hate the negative connotation older generations associate …

S.T.A.R.T. Before You’re Ready.

Originally posted on CHASITY S. COOPER:
November was quite the whirlwind for me both professionally and personally, but I wanted to drop a note of reflection as we into the last month of the year.  Have you ever wanted to start something new (let’s in this case, say a blog) but continued to come up with excuses as to why you aren’t able to launch it? “I just don’t have enough time to write a blog post every day.” “What am I going to write about? And who will want to read it?” “I want my post to be perfect before I hit publish – I must keep editing!”   The truth is, while we were busy asking ourselves 21 questions, making statements and assuming, we could’ve published at least one or two posts, created a content calendar for the next two months and put throwback content in rotation on social media. Last month specifically, I spent most of my time getting back into the groove of working full-time and managing my various passion projects. And…

Dealing with Race Relations as a Millennial: Why I appreciate the University of Oklahoma SAE video

Time and time again,  many people of color millennials have had to argue why we are not in a post-racial America. Granted, there are a few obvious occurrences, like racial profiling followed by police brutality, yet there are many that go unnoticed. Many of which take place on college campuses and in the work place. Let me make one thing clear, the statement that we are in a post-racial America has not only come from members of the majority, but also those that fall under the minority. I have heard this largely from elder people of color who feel that “my generation has no struggle.” This brings me to why I appreciate the SAE video. Numerous co-workers (including those of color) were surprised to see such behavior from a young generation. There are a variety of racial events that occurred on my college campus within the past five years (mind you, I’ve been an alum for one). One of these events involving a group of white males trying to hit a black female with their truck. Luckily …