All posts filed under: pre-med


Originally posted on Oh, the places you'll go :
So, an awful lot has happened since my last post.  I had a brutal exam – made only worse by how burnt out I was after Monte Carlo – I received my geeky fabric and started making more scrub caps (posts and pics to come), and this also happened. Rough week eh? 😉 One of these things is an image of my experience as medical student: one of them is of my experience of a patient.  Any guesses to as which? It was this one, just FYI. I didn’t really break my arm thankfully, we just had our casting clinical skills after said brutal exam, and so we all got a cast on our arm and put on one our classmates arm…and then totally power sawed it off, and trust me, that was a trust exercise!! I sent a pic of me with my arm in the cast to my parents and sister, with no context, and they all freaked out a little bit, and that…

9 Days!

Originally posted on Nerdy Chronicles:
I haven’t posted in 9 days! Illinois Illinois weather has been really sucky the past 9 days. Rainy, cloudy, and cold. I don’t usually mind but it is the summer and I am at school with no one so it is pretty depressing to be stuck inside while it rains all day. Today, however, the sun came out and so I was very excited to take a good panoramic picture of the sunset from my balcony! (; First real sunset in a while! They come and go so quick here! 12 minutes after the above picture!! The sky is amazing. Class It has been a busy 9 days! My second exam is tomorrow so I have been studying a lot. I think I slacked off a bit in paying attention during class for this material – mostly because I was so bored since it was a lot of “information dumps” (as my professor calls them) and memorizing. I’ve been forcing myself to study really hard for this exam. I feel…