All posts filed under: podcast

Truman Presidential Podcast: Masonic Presidential Addresses

As many of you know, my favorite president also happens to have been a prominent Mason, Harry S. Truman. In addition to being an United States Senator and United States President, he also was the Grand Master of Masons of Missouri, a 33° Scottish Rite Mason, and a Noble in the Imperial Shrine. He was also an every man. He was a guy who failed many times but instead of sitting down, licking his wounds, he would get right back up again. One of the places I have always wanted to visit is the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, MO. From what some people have told me, it’s one of the best presidential libraries in the country. I just recently started to explore the Truman Library’s website. During my searches, I’ve discovered a podcast series with actual recordings made of him during speeches and visits. Four recordings are of interest to many of us. President Truman addressed the Imperial Council Session of the Shrine of North America, a group of Masons at a breakfast at …