blogger, Fashion and Beauty, gen y, generation y, health, Millennial, skincare, vegan, veganism
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Giovanni’s D:tox 1 2 3 System Facial Care

Hi Everyone,

I have been trying out the Giovanni 1 2 3 D:Tox system for the past few weeks and I wanted to blog about it and share my experience with you 😉 I had written a Blog on the Giovanni Towelettes before, you can read that HERE

and of course I love that the D:TOX products are cruelty-free & vegan AND  5% of their retail sales on D.tox System products are donated to the NBCF ( National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc)

Giovanni.. You are awesome 🙂


anyway… on to the3 step Facial Care system!!

I have been loving these and my face feels so awake and energized after using the first 2 steps system! these products work very deep in your skin and I can really tell! I haven’t had any breakouts and because I have sensitive Dry skin I was extremely happy to see that…

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