20 something, G.U.M Writer, gen y, generation y, Inspiration, Inspire, lblogger, life, Life Advice, life blogger, life decisions, Life lessons, Lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, millennials, Motivation, Motivation Monday, Quarter Life, Uncategorized, Writer Spotlight
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The “Supposed To” Myth

As a 20-something with a Facebook timeline filled with posts of other 20-somethings and older, it isn’t uncommon for me to see posts that link to articles about young adulthood.

The articles usually discuss ways that you are supposed to/how to get your life together. Recently, I’ve seen an influx of articles that combat this argument by stating that you are “supposed to be lost and/or not have everything figured out when you’re in your 20s.”

So I decided to write an article to clear up this debate. Here it is:

You’re not “supposed to” do shit.

The end.

But seriously though…

Some of us are exactly where we want to be at this point in our lives. Others feel “lost.” There are also those of us who aren’t quite where we want to be, may not know exactly how to get there, but we have our eyes on a prize and we won’t stop until we get it.

The real expectations are the ones we put upon ourselves. You’re not “supposed to” do anything. If you are feeling any of the above, that’s perfectly fine. Want to speed up your timeline or change your situation? Do what you have to do to get shit done.

All of those reasons you “can’t” that are running through your head…excuses. Let them go and get shit done.




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