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Upcoming Releases in September

Junkies Literarios

By @TheLiteraryMomo

So, since September is just around the corner, that can only mean one thing… There are some new books coming out! In case you are lost about what to get, or just don’t know what the hottest new releases are, I’m always here to lend a hand.  Here are 10 of the upcoming books that will be released Starting September first:

1. Infinite in Between by Caroline Mackler


Five teenagers who meet on the first day of their Freshman year of high school make a promise of having a reunion at the end of their senior year but seem to drift apart for better or, most likely, for worse. On Sale from HarperTeen on September 1st.


2. Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon


This is the story of a girl who has a very rare allergy that prevents her from ever walking outside her house and how she…

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